Sunday, May 29, 2016

Strange baby born

In India another strange incident happened. In the Bihar state of Punirya district in India Miraganja hospital has recently get birth a wonderful child. This child was sat immediately after birth.  As soon as when the doctor and nurse saw it they inform to a senior doctor. By his amazing news senior doctors also went there to see strange child and his mother. This news spread through the hospital one by one and suddenly a large crowd gathered in the hospital to watch the child there. Local village of  Cahabajja  Mr RishiKumar's wife, Mrs Shanti Devi  give birth to this child  on Friday morning  in a hospital . But the face and a head of the child is very strange .The upper part of the head and face bulging out with round red flesh of small size of ball.  And Child's eyes are also bulging out same as frog.

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